
End-to-end consulting services for museums.

Areas of Practice


mission alignment

The museum field is ever more complex, with competition for leisure time, diminished public funding, commercial alternatives, and rising costs for collections care and security. AMN offers planning services to cope with each of these external pressures.


Monetizing ideas, tangible or not, are new areas ripe for exploration by museums. From consulting services to software development, museums can today examine opportunities for financial return through IP development.

Loans & Exhibitions

The planning of major international exhibitions and loan programs demands a deep background in government hierarchies, bureaucratic procedures, legal and policy considerations, security, and insurance, cost-benefit analysis, and multiple other areas. AMN can undertake a feasibility study in anticipation of such large, cost-intensive, and complex projects.

facilities planning

Museums are in constant need of attention to their physical plant, and are forced to make difficult choices about priorities with finite resources. AMN helps devise solutions to cope with the needs of the physical plant, by evaluating deferred maintenance choices, forecasting needs associated with growth, and offering solutions to improve your facility’s service to its mission.

title challenges

Museum collections are facing increasing scrutiny, including challenges to title. AMN can conduct a survey to assess exposure to possible claims, and partner with specialized law firms in review options ranging from retention to restitution.

executive search

Before retaining the services of a recruiter for a senior position, AMN can work with your museum’s board and senior leadership to arrive at the attributes required to serve your mission. Headhunters routinely default to the expectations of search committees; AMN provides a forensic look at institutional needs, so that a recruiter has a playbook devised for a successful search.

strategic planning

Strategic planning is the predicate to all museum activities. AMN can offer full-scale planning services or short, sharp exercises clarifying institutional goals over a 2-3 year period.


Instantaneous digital communication is reshaping museums. AMN has long-standing experience in digital innovation spanning back to the origins of the Web in the 1990s. We can assist in the reviewing a museum’s overarching digital strategy, repositioning it, and identifying the talent needed to achieve your goals.


Museums are increasingly attracted to commercial opportunities to support earned income. AMN can review opportunities and pitfalls of various kinds of business ventures being explored in the field today.